Week 32 inmiddels. Deze week is Russian Circles in de aanbieding met Guidance.
Een van de beste postrock/metal-bands die ik ken. Check de vorige plaat ook. Of lees een concertverslag hier en hier. Instrumentale muziek en postrock/metal kan dus nog steeds rete-spannend, boeiend, magnifiek en grotesk zijn. Jazeker. En dat voor een trio. Voer voor jaarlijstjes toch weer.
… From the outset, Guidance is a clear removal from its predecessor, the more broodingMemorial. While that album was arguably the band at their darkest, these seven songs have replaced finely tuned feels with what just might be the heaviest music yet from Russian Circles. Guidance isn’t a collection of slapped together riff-slop, though. A testament to the aforementioned consistency, the album at times seems like a clever sendup of the band’s debut. Though Russian Circles haven’t eclipsed their best work,Guidance is more a subtle nod to the coexistent depths and heights that have defined and run through the band’s music from the very outset. – Consequence of Sound
… Guidance, in general, features a more bad-ass Russian Circles, a group that seems less elegiac, and more ready to plant their feet solidly on the ground, fighting back bloodied and bruised against each body blow.- Pitchfork
[spotify id=”spotify:album:2UskUDH7emQ3nBqhDgGhzj” width=”300″ height=”380″ /]
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